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Canadian Public Health Association

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Gun violence isn’t just a U.S. problem—and Canada isn’t immune

October 7, 2017

Halifax Regional Police, meanwhile, created an in-house research coordinator to study gun violence after the city experienced a particularly violent 2016. In June, the Canadian Public Health Association hosted a conference in the city in hopes of employing a public health approach to end gun crime.

Pot-infused cuisine will be the next big trend, food expert predicts

September 26, 2017

Ian Culbert, executive director of the Canadian Public Health Association, said there must be strict regulation and a limited range of products available initially. Edibles must have clear identification of dosage and servings, and come with education about how it takes longer to take effect than smoking.

Decriminalize all drug possession? Not a bad idea: Editorial

September 15, 2017

The United Nations, the World Health Organization, the International Red Cross, the Canadian Public Health Association, the medical health officers of British Columbia, Vancouver, Toronto, not to mention many front-line health workers – they all agree: treating drug users like criminals is a costly, dangerous mistake. And as Canada’s epidemic of opioid overdoses deepens, this chorus is growing louder and more urgent. It’s time Ottawa listened.

Feds consider Manitoba's codeine restrictions

September 15, 2017

Health Canada is pondering whether to emulate Manitoba pharmacists’ move last year to restrict access to codeine products, though there is no proof the policy has helped or hindered the opioid crisis. "We have to be careful when we make these sweeping policy changes, to think through the unintended, negative consequences," said Ian Culbert, executive director of the Canadian Public Health Association. "These kinds of changes might seem intelligent from a bureaucrat’s desk in Ottawa, but when you’re hitting the ground… in downtown Winnipeg, the impact can be quite negative."

Ottawa pourrait forcer la culture de « superplants »

September 14, 2017

Le gouvernement Trudeau a par ailleurs eu droit à l’appui d’un allié étonnant, au Comité parlementaire de la santé mercredi. L’Association canadienne de la santé publique et la Société canadienne de pédiatrie ont toutes deux martelé qu’il était urgent de légaliser la marijuana car les Canadiens, et surtout les jeunes, en consomment déjà à l’heure actuelle. Autant encadrer leur consommation dès maintenant pour pouvoir en étudier les causes et lancer des campagnes de sensibilisation, a fait valoir le directeur général de l’ACSP, Ian Culbert.

MPs urged to push forward with legal cannabis despite calls to slow down

September 13, 2017

"You have also heard calls that we are not ready for legalization. Unfortunately, we don't have the luxury of time as Canadians are already consuming cannabis at record levels," Ian Culbert, executive director of the Canadian Public Health Association, told the House of Commons health committee on Wednesday. Culbert's message comes just one day after senior police representatives told the committee that they will not be ready to enforce new laws by next summer, and are asking the government for more time. That echoes the message that several provinces have been delivering in recent months.

A deeper look at Canada’s problem with alcohol

August 30, 2017

A report released in 2015 by the The Chief Public Health Officer called Alcohol Consumption in Canada, states that at least three million drinking Canadians risk acute illness and at least four and half million risk chronic conditions, like liver disease and cancer. There are even more hospitalizations caused by alcohol every year than heart attacks, according to a report by Canadian Institute for Health Information. Dr. Ian Culbert, the executive director with the Canadian Public Health Association, tells us more in the video.

Trevor Hancock: Prevent violence with compassion

August 23, 2017

This approach — what Waller calls “compassionate community safety” — was epitomized recently by Ted Upshaw, the public safety adviser for Halifax and a former RCMP inspector. In a session on healthy communities at the Canadian Public Health Association conference this year, he discussed the importance of social justice, respect, good-quality housing and neighbourhoods, access to parks and other social and community benefits if we are to create safe and healthy communities. It makes sense to me.

Coalition uses cow farts to target oilpatch

August 1, 2017

He pointed to the Canadian Public Health Association’s 2015 discussion paper on the ecological determinants of health, which cited international research showing very high confidence in a greater risk of injury, disease and death due to climate change-driven heat waves and wildfires.

Once Upon a City: Sweeping polio outbreak hits Toronto

July 6, 2017

The polio epidemic of 1951 that swept up Neil Young included 2,568 victims nationwide, and 1,701 in Ontario. Two years later, in 1953, the epidemic in Canada crested, with 8,878 cases reported and 500 deaths nationally. The Canadian Public Health Association estimates that 11,000 people were left paralyzed by polio between 1949 and 1954.