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Canadian Public Health Association

In the news


Report says clean needle programs are in high demand, underfunded

June 6, 2017

Dr. Susan Kirkland is a professor at Dalhousie’s department of community health and epidemiology, and the director of the Atlantic Interdisciplinary Research Network for Social and Behavioural Issues in Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS. This week, she is presenting a recent report she authored for Mainline Needle Exchange, on the impact of their services on the harm reduction landscape, at the Canadian Public Health Association’s annual conference, which is being held in Halifax.

Public not warned about parkade needle due to communication error, city says

June 6, 2017

“Public health has learned this lesson time and time again,” said Culbert. “When there is anything that has the potential to impact a population’s health, it is incumbent upon us to share that information with the community, because if we don’t, it raises questions like are being posed today.”

Injection sites supported in opioid battle

June 6, 2017

A special advisory committee on opioid addiction is working toward eradicating the national issue.

Theresa Tam, Canada’s interim chief public health officer, heads up the board with Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s chief public health officer, and both were attending the Canadian Public Health Association’s Public Health 2017 conference in Halifax this week.

Jobs for mentally ill could boost self-esteem, provide respite for caregivers

June 1, 2017

A Mental Health Caregiver Guide can be found online at the City of Ottawa’s website. It was compiled by Ottawa Public Health, the Canadian Mental Health Association, MICA, the Canadian Public Health Association, and Military Family Services. As Henderson puts it, “these resources are from trusted sources ...”

Reality check: Should you wash your hands in warm or cold water?

June 1, 2017

“It’s just important to make hand washing part of your everyday routine,” Culbert says. “It is probably the single most effective activity we have to reduce the spread of disease, especially during cold and flu season. And while for you it might not seem like it has a major impact, but for those people around you who may have compromised or weakened immune systems, it could make a big difference.”

Opinion: It's time for Montreal to fluoridate its drinking water

May 26, 2017

Organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Canadian Public Health Association (CHPA) and the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) cite research that shows that fluoridation of municipal drinking water reduces caries in the entire population.

The war on drugs has been lost

May 18, 2017

In a recent Canadian Public Health Association discussion paper, “A New Approach to Managing Illegal Psychoactive Substances in Canada,” the point was made emphatically that our current approach to managing risk is not working. Here are some of its highlights.

It takes a community to combat senior loneliness and depression

May 4, 2017

The National Institute on Aging and the Canadian Public Health Association concur: Seniors living in North America are currently experiencing better health longevity now than during any other time in the past century.

Statistics Canada to examine health of Peterborough-area residents

May 3, 2017

National organizations such as the Canadian Public Health Association and the Heart and Stroke Foundation have shown their support for the survey.

Canadian Health Measures Survey to examine health of Peterborough residents

May 3, 2017

Well-known national organizations, such as the Canadian Public Health Association and the Heart and Stroke Foundation, have shown their support for the survey.