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Canadian Public Health Association

In the news


Developing strong, resilient kids

May 15, 2019

Too often our children are not permitted to engage in unstructured play. The Canadian Public Health Association lists these benefits from unstructured play: promotes creativity, strengthens problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills, promotes positive self-concept and self-esteem, promotes healthy weight, improves gross motor skills, positively impacts learning and attention at school and promotes resilience and independence. It is time to stop bubble wrapping our children, get them away from the TV or other electronic devices and let them head outside and experience age-appropriate…

Mental Health BBQ And Play

May 10, 2019

According to the Canadian Public Health Association, evidence shows that play enables factors that support good mental health and is important to children’s overall well-being.

Saskatchewan carbon tax challenge: Court of Appeal rules in favour of federal government

May 3, 2019

The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) also applauded the ruling supporting the constitutionality of the federal Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, saying this decision affirms the right and the responsibility of the federal government to set national standards for carbon pricing in Canada.

“We are pleased with the Court’s ruling affirming the role of the federal government in protecting the health of Canadians,” says Richard Musto, chair of CPHA’s Board of Directors, in a released statement. “All levels of government need to act in a coordinated fashion to prevent…

Carbon Tax Challenge Denied, Province Vows To Appeal

May 3, 2019

But the Canadian Public Health Association applauds the ruling, saying that climate change is a critical public health issue and it threatens to undermine the past century of gains for population health in Canada and around the world.

Is cannabis actually addictive?

April 23, 2019

The term [Cannabis Use Disorder], first introduced in 2013 in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders from the American Psychiatric Association, has been adopted by the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA), too. This term is used for someone who might not fit the criteria for having a full-blown addiction, but is dependent enough that when he or she puts down the pipe or foregoes vaping for longer than usual, withdrawal symptoms like headaches, restlessness, change in mood, sleep and appetite are experienced.

Cuisine infusée au cannabis : la recette du succès

April 17, 2019

Le directeur général de l'Association canadienne de santé publique, Ian Culbert, considère qu’il est préférable de consommer du cannabis en le mangeant plutôt qu’en le fumant en raison des « effets directs sur les poumons ».

Federal-versus-provincial powers take centre stage in Ontario carbon tax court battle

April 16, 2019

"Public health is both the responsibility and the prerogative of the federal government because in the case of climate change, we're dealing with a condition that does not respect provincial boundaries," said intervener Ian Culbert, the executive director of the Canadian Public Health Association. "So if one jurisdiction is not pulling its fair share, as far as taking action on climate change, citizens in other parts of the country will pay the price."

Need a break? Here’s how to quit smoking cannabis

April 8, 2019

Depending on how often a person gets high and how long he or she has been smoking cannabis, there might be withdrawal. One in 10 people who use cannabis will become addicted or develop a Cannabis Use Disorder, notes information from the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA), and regular users—defined by the CPHA as someone as who smokes every day or almost every day—have a one in two chance; men are more likely than women to become addicted.

Climate change is a public health emergency

April 5, 2019

On Feb. 5, representatives from the Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, Canadian Nurses Association, Canadian Public Health Association and Urban Public Health Network called on the federal government to formally declare global climate change a public health emergency. To date, our federal government has not complied.

4 Steps to quit smoking cannabis

April 5, 2019

To conclude, here’s a stat from the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA): One in 10 people who use cannabis will become an addict or develop a Cannabis Use Disorder.