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Canadian Public Health Association

In the news


Doctors prescribe action for 'eco-anxiety'

November 30, 2018

The Canadian Lancet document was prepared with support from CMA and the Canadian Public Health Association.

'Ecological grief' among mental health effects of climate change in Canada: report

November 28, 2018

The Lancet Countdown 2018 Report, supported by the Canadian Public Health Association and the Canadian Medical Association, was released at the same time as an international report on health and climate change. The Canadian report includes recommendations for policy-makers — including putting a price on carbon.

Lack of progress on climate change is putting Canadians' health at risk, doctors say

November 28, 2018

Both the Canadian Medical Association and the Canadian Public Health Association say they agree with the Lancet's findings and recommendations. 

Overdose death of B.C. cabinet minister’s stepson underscores need for policy shift, expert says

November 19, 2018

"[...] decriminalization of drugs for personal use as supported by organizations like the Canadian Public Health Association should be combined with scaled up harm reduction and treatment, as well as guaranteed annual incomes to address disparities in overdose deaths."

Canada legalises marijuana, but illegal edibles are a headache

November 12, 2018

Speaking before the legalisation legislation had gone through last November, Ian Culbert, the executive director of the Canadian Public Health Association, noted that “The only message we had at our disposal was, 'Just say no,' and clearly that has failed". Culbert said that legal marijuana sales should be preceded by “comprehensive, non-judgmental, non-stigmatizing health-promotion campaigns across Canada that have a clear and consistent message."


You shouldn't drive even 5 hours after smoking cannabis: McGill study

October 15, 2018

The findings backed up recommendations from Canada’s Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines and endorsed by the Canadian Public Health Association, which suggests users wait at least six hours before driving. McGill researchers said they could not suggest a minimum interval, as they had not tested for longer time periods.

Young drivers who use cannabis at higher risk of collisions for at least 5 hours, McGill finds

October 15, 2018

The study says the findings substantiate Canada's Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines, developed by the Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse in 2017 and endorsed by the Canadian Public Health Association, which recommend waiting six hours after cannabis use before driving.

Local rotarians chip in to eradicate polio

October 15, 2018

According to the Canadian Public Health Association, polio crippled tens of thousands of Canadians until the Salk vaccine was introduced in 1955.

To improve campus culture, let’s consider cannabis education

October 14, 2018

Canadian Public Health Association Executive Director Ian Culbert said that “experimentation is a natural part of growing up” and that university administrations and student associations should therefore adopt “a very proactive approach at getting education materials out to all of the students.”

With cannabis legalization looming, doctors foresee uptick in emergency-room visits

October 14, 2018

Cannabis can be more potent today than it was 20 or 30 years ago, says Ian Culbert of the Canadian Public Health Association. One of the biggest causes of poisoning is that the concentration of the active ingredient in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), can vary widely, from less than 5 per cent to more than 40 per cent. While cannabis plants can be bred to have different concentrations of THC, the bigger concern is the unregulated world of edibles – cookies, chocolates and more – that contain THC oils.

As a result, it…