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Canadian Public Health Association

In the news


Not a waste of time

January 15, 2020

People might think that dog waste is “natural” like the waste from wild animals, but their poop is very different. Due to a dog’s stomach enzymes and their diets, their feces are one of the leading sources of E. Coli contamination in our lakes and rivers. With just one gram of waste containing over 20 million E. Coli bacteria, which are known to cause cramps, diarrhea and serious kidney disorders in humans (Canadian Public Health Association).


Air pollution and depression linked in new study, highlighting further risks of climate change

December 19, 2019

Earlier this year, the Canadian Medical Association and Canadian Public Health Association released a report that showed a connection between the effects of climate change — including everything from rising temperatures to lack of food security caused by damage done to crops — to depression, anxiety, and stress disorders.

How southwestern Ontario is leading the way for free menstrual products in public bathrooms

December 18, 2019

According to the Canadian Public Health Association, 70 per cent of women in Canada have missed school or work because of their period.

Addressing stigma in Canada’s health system is critical for improving health outcomes

December 18, 2019

“The widespread presence of stigma and discrimination within and outside of the health system results in Canada being a country where not every person has the ability to reach their full health potential,” Ian Culbert Executive Director, Canadian Public Health Association said. “Those of us in the health and social services sector – in fact all Canadians – need to reflect on our own personal attitudes and beliefs and our employers need to review the systems that reinforce stigma and discrimination so that we can reduce health inequities in our society.”

Alberta, Ottawa head to court over carbon tax dispute

December 17, 2019

Canada and Alberta have been granted three hours each to make their arguments. Interveners present in court Monday included the attorneys general of Saskatchewan and Ontario, as well as the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, the Assembly of First Nations, the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, the Canadian Public Health Association, the David Suzuki Foundation and Climate Justice Saskatoon.

No Fluoride, No Problem? Not According to Health Authorities

December 11, 2019

According to a letter from the Saskatchewan Health's Authority regarding the recommendation to support putting fluoride in public drinking water, it states "many governments and health organizations, including the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada, the Canadian Public Health Association, the Canadian Dental Association, the Canadian Medical Association, and the World Health Organization support the fluoridation of drinking water as an important public health measure to prevent tooth decay."

Online shopping takes a toll on the environment, and us

December 8, 2019

Other costs accrue, as well. In a recent policy brief, the Canadian Medical Association and Canadian Public Health Association report that air pollution generated by transportation killed 1,063 Canadians in 2015, resulting in economic losses for Canadians valued at about $8 billion.

Toronto-area rapper blames systemic racism for months of misdiagnosis

December 4, 2019

In 2018, the Canadian Public Health Association acknowledged that “we are all either overtly or inadvertently racist and that the influence of this racism affects the health of individuals and populations” and offered several recommendations for all levels of government and health-care providers, including a complete review of their policies and to provide “system-wide anti-racism and anti-oppression training for all staff and volunteers.”

Alberta private member’s bill to protect doctors’ conscience rights rejected by committee

November 22, 2019

Ian Culbert, executive director of the Canadian Public Health Association, welcomed the committee’s vote. He said the proposed bill would have shifted the power of decision-making further away from patients.

“You already have a powerful entity, the doctor, and this is another layer of privilege of power being moved back towards them," Mr. Culbert said.

“If you’re in a rural setting and there’s only one doctor for your population, what do you do in that situation?"