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Canadian Public Health Association

L'Association dans l'actualité

Alberta, Ottawa head to court over carbon tax dispute

17 décembre 2019

Canada and Alberta have been granted three hours each to make their arguments. Interveners present in court Monday included the attorneys general of Saskatchewan and Ontario, as well as the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, the Assembly of First Nations, the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, the Canadian Public Health Association, the David Suzuki Foundation and Climate Justice Saskatoon.

No Fluoride, No Problem? Not According to Health Authorities

11 décembre 2019

According to a letter from the Saskatchewan Health's Authority regarding the recommendation to support putting fluoride in public drinking water, it states "many governments and health organizations, including the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada, the Canadian Public Health Association, the Canadian Dental Association, the Canadian Medical Association, and the World Health Organization support the fluoridation of drinking water as an important public health measure to prevent tooth decay."

Online shopping takes a toll on the environment, and us

8 décembre 2019

Other costs accrue, as well. In a recent policy brief, the Canadian Medical Association and Canadian Public Health Association report that air pollution generated by transportation killed 1,063 Canadians in 2015, resulting in economic losses for Canadians valued at about $8 billion.

Toronto-area rapper blames systemic racism for months of misdiagnosis

4 décembre 2019

In 2018, the Canadian Public Health Association acknowledged that “we are all either overtly or inadvertently racist and that the influence of this racism affects the health of individuals and populations” and offered several recommendations for all levels of government and health-care providers, including a complete review of their policies and to provide “system-wide anti-racism and anti-oppression training for all staff and volunteers.”

Alberta private member’s bill to protect doctors’ conscience rights rejected by committee

22 Novembre 2019

Ian Culbert, executive director of the Canadian Public Health Association, welcomed the committee’s vote. He said the proposed bill would have shifted the power of decision-making further away from patients.

“You already have a powerful entity, the doctor, and this is another layer of privilege of power being moved back towards them," Mr. Culbert said.

“If you’re in a rural setting and there’s only one doctor for your population, what do you do in that situation?"

L’influence néfaste de l’industrie de l’amiante

19 Novembre 2019

L’AIC attaque ceux qui s’opposent à l’utilisation de l’amiante chrysotile – par exemple, les Associations médicales du Québec et du Canada, les Sociétés du cancer du Québec et du Canada, les Associations de santé publique du Québec et du Canada, l’Organisation mondiale de la santé, la Commission internationale de santé au travail, la Fédération mondiale d’associations de santé publique, l’Union internationale contre le cancer, la Confédération syndicale internationale – et allègue que ces derniers font partie d’une guerre commerciale secrète qui utilise des « astuces » pour discréditer l…

DAY 29: THC-infused edibles and CBD-infused edibles

18 Novembre 2019

An evidence brief compiled by the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) states that “cannabis is addictive, though not everyone who uses it will develop an addiction.”

Wildfires, disease, food scarcity: scientists predict a grim century for Canada

13 Novembre 2019

In Canada, The Lancet partnered with the Canadian Medical Association and the Canadian Public Health Association to release a country-specific policy brief. The Canadian research presented paints a stark picture faced by coming generations, who face the risk of increased wildfires, tick-borne disease and lack of food access in the North.

Should Cleveland declare racism a public health crisis?

30 octobre 2019

They have been in talks with city and county leaders to consider declaring racism a public health crisis. In December 2018, the Canadian Public Health Association made such a declaration, James says, as did Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, in May 2019.