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Canadian Public Health Association

Election 2025

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Canada needs a federal government that is committed to sustained investment in public health across the country. CPHA calls on the next federal government to invest in strategies and programs that support strong healthy people in Canada regardless of their economic and social status.

Public Health Matters

As part of the 2025 federal election, CPHA is encouraging its members and the broader public health community to question their local candidates on some current issues. We have a responsibility to challenge candidates to set a higher standard for Canadians. We should not be satisfied with rehearsed answers that lack depth. We need to hold the candidates themselves to a higher standard and expect more from them.

The following factsheets have been developed to help start that conversation with candidates in your riding.

Where do the Federal Political Parties sit on Public Health?

How do the federal political parties stack up in their understanding of public health and investing in disease prevention, health protection and health promotion?

You be the judge.

Below are the links to the federal political parties.

Your Voice Counts in Campaign 2025

Get involved!

Be pro-active and get your voice heard. The public health community in Canada is not insignificant. Be informed and make your voice count. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of all Canadians. But it takes each one of us to make it happen.


  • Send an E-mail or a letter to the editor of your local newspaper or to one of Canada’s national newspapers. Focus on one issue and how it affects the state of health of people across the country or in your riding. State your case in 100 words or less.
  • Send an email or a letter to candidates in your riding. Focus on an issue and how it affects the state of health of people in your riding. Ask them for a written reply to your questions or concerns. State your case in 100 words or less.

Social Networking

  • If you have a social media account, post your views and comments on it to share with others. See whether candidates in your riding are using social networking, and take the opportunity to share your views with them on-line.


  • Hold a town hall meeting. Make this a group effort. Prepare a concise question. Have friends and colleagues located near microphones to increase the chance of your question being selected. Introduce yourself as someone with first-hand experience about public health or an interest in public health. If the candidates don’t provide a satisfactory answer, press them to do so. Meet the candidates afterwards to reinforce your point.

  • When candidates come to your door, take a few minutes to ask them about how the party they represent will safeguard the country’s public health capacity and services. Let them understand that public health is important and needs to be considered in their party’s platform.