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Canadian Public Health Association

L'Association dans l'actualité


Racism a risk to public health, says industry association

17 décembre 2018

The Canadian Public Health Association is raising racism as a public health issue. Backed by seven of its counterparts in provinces and territories, including the Manitoba Public Health Association, the national association released a position statement Monday emphasizing the negative impact racism can have on mental and physical health, as well as health-related behaviours.

David Suzuki: Major health study shows benefits of combating climate change

11 décembre 2018

The Canadian Medical Association and Canadian Public Health Association offered several recommendations for policymakers based on the Lancet report, emphasizing the role of doctors and other health professionals in addressing climate change and raising public awareness. “Ensuring a widespread understanding of climate change as a central public health issue will be vital in delivering an accelerated response, with the health…

16 groups to intervene in Sask. carbon tax challenge

10 décembre 2018

On the other side of the case will be the British Columbia government, Assembly of First Nations, Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, David Suzuki Foundation, Ecofiscal Commission of Canada, Intergenerational Climate Coalition, Canadian Public Health Association, Canadian Environmental Law Association and Climate Justice Saskatoon.

Climate change first responders speak out

10 décembre 2018

The newly released 2018 iteration of the Countdown is part of the international medical news and research journal’s planetary health initiative, which has already forged a broad coalition of health practitioners, researchers and policy specialists affiliated with medical and academic institutions, government agencies and non-governmental organizations worldwide. Supporting Canadian groups, including the Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Public Health Association and the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, also released affiliated

Ottawa opposes United Conservatives as interveners in Sask. carbon tax case

5 décembre 2018

Ottawa supported eight organizations for intervener status including SaskPower and SaskEnergy, Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, the David Suzuki Foundation and Canadian Public Health Association.

Organizations which Saskatchewan doesn't want included as interveners include the Assembly of First Nations, Canadian Public Health Association and Intergenerational Climate Coalition.

Global warming will increase heat-related death and disease

1 décembre 2018

The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) joins the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) in calling for the implementation of the Canada-specific recommendations presented in the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change.

Eco, health groups and provinces seek status in carbon-tax court challenge

30 Novembre 2018

On Friday Ecojustice, the David Suzuki Foundation, the Canadian Public Health Association and the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation in Northern Alberta all said they were applying to intervene to argue against Saskatchewan's position.

Doctors prescribe action for 'eco-anxiety'

30 Novembre 2018

The Canadian Lancet document was prepared with support from CMA and the Canadian Public Health Association.

'Ecological grief' among mental health effects of climate change in Canada: report

28 Novembre 2018

The Lancet Countdown 2018 Report, supported by the Canadian Public Health Association and the Canadian Medical Association, was released at the same time as an international report on health and climate change. The Canadian report includes recommendations for policy-makers — including putting a price on carbon.

Lack of progress on climate change is putting Canadians' health at risk, doctors say

28 Novembre 2018

Both the Canadian Medical Association and the Canadian Public Health Association say they agree with the Lancet's findings and recommendations.