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Canadian Public Health Association

L'Association dans l'actualité


Health policy reform group wants drug use decriminalized, mayor Dilkens says no

25 juillet 2018

The Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) is calling on municipalities to pressure the federal government to decriminalize the possession of any illicit drug for personal use — but Windsor's mayor isn't open to the idea. The organization is based in Ottawa and it advocates for health policy reforms. Its executive director, Ian Culbert, said treating drug addicts like criminals hasn't deterred drug abuse, but rather it has made it worse.

Is It Time to Decriminalize All Drug Use? Millroy Weighs In

20 juillet 2018

As Dr. Marlene Spruyt, Algoma’s medical officer of health, told The Sault Star, such a position has been shared by the Canadian Public Health Association and Centre for Addiction and Mental Health for some time.

Montréal devrait-elle réclamer à son tour la décriminalisation des drogues dures?

18 juillet 2018

Des intervenants en dépendance croient que la métropole devrait emboîter le pas à Toronto, qui a sommé cette semaine le gouvernement fédéral de décriminaliser les drogues dures. [...] La plus grande ville au pays espère ainsi créer un mouvement à travers le Canada pour faire changer d’idée le gouvernement Trudeau. Toronto a depuis été appuyée par l’Association canadienne de santé publique [...]

Decriminalizing drugs 'worthy of dialogue' WRPS Chief Bryan Larkin says

18 juillet 2018

CPHA executive director Ian Culbert said in a release there is evidence being arrested and put in jail does not deter people from using illegal drugs. "Before more lives are lost to drug use, the federal government should migrate to a public health approach to manage all psychoactive substances," Culbert said.

Canada could decriminalize personal drug possession — but here’s why it’s unlikely

18 juillet 2018

Last fall, the Canadian Public Health Association released a position statement making it clear that current attempts to curtail Canadian drug consumption aren’t working and alternative approaches are needed. The association is advocating for the decriminalization of possession of small quantities of drugs as well as the sale and trafficking of small quantities by young offenders. It called on the government to provide amnesty to those who’ve previously been convicted for such offences.

Kingston-area health officials support drug decriminalization for personal use

17 juillet 2018

Local health officials are looking at some bold recommendations from the Canadian Public Health Association to fight the growing opioid crisis. The chief medical officer for Muskoka-Simcoe has already endorsed a controversial proposal to decriminalize the personal use of psycho-active substances such as cocaine, crystal meth and heroin. Some experts say that would allow them to focus their resources on addiction and treatment instead of enforcement.

L’Association canadienne de santé publique appuie Toronto

17 juillet 2018

L’Association canadienne de santé publique (ACSP) a joint sa voix à celle de la Ville de Toronto, mardi, afin d’exhorter le gouvernement fédéral à décriminaliser toutes les drogues.

Time has come to decriminalize psychoactive drugs: board of health

13 juillet 2018

Local public health officials have added their voice to a growing list of communities in the push to decriminalize personal use of psychoactive drugs. The Simcoe Muskoka Board of Health endorsed a statement by the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) at is June meeting. The CPHA has recommended decriminalizing possession of small quantities of illegal substances intended for personal use, as well as ensuring young offenders aren’t charged with trafficking small amounts of drugs also intended for personal use.

Medicinal cannabis use can help mitigate symptoms of PTSD, study says

31 mai 2018

The study is the first national-scale indication of the effectiveness of cannabis at mitigating the hallmark symptoms of PTSD. It was presented on Thursday at the annual conference of the Canadian Public Health Association in Montreal.

Experts say Alberta’s drug education urgently needs an update

21 mai 2018

Canadian Public Health Association executive director Ian Culbert lamented that much of Canada is stuck in a “1980s Nancy Reagan ‘just say no to drugs’ approach,” and opposition from parents and politicians make it challenging to move past that. “The challenge with schools is that education around ‘sensitive topics’ such as sex education, alcohol and drug use gets very politicized. So finding the best practice does not always match up with what parents would necessarily want to be taught to their children,” he said.