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Canadian Public Health Association

L'Association dans l'actualité


Ottawa beefs up public-awareness campaign on marijuana

1 Novembre 2017

Ian Culbert, the executive director of the Canadian Public Health Association, said Canadians must become at ease when they talk about cannabis and discuss potential negative effects with their children. "The prohibition model currently in place in Canada has severely hampered health promotion and harm-reduction efforts. The only message we had at our disposal was, 'Just say no,' and clearly that has failed," he told the committee in September. "It is our view that legal cannabis sales must therefore be preceded by comprehensive, non-judgmental, non-stigmatizing health-promotion campaigns across Canada that have a clear and consistent message."

Marijuana impairment will be difficult to prove and prosecute

31 octobre 2017

In 2006, The Canadian Public Health Association made 55,000 copies of this poster and sent them out to high schools across the country to warn students against toking and driving. "With a drug that’s ingested in gummies, cookies, inhaled in many different ways, and available in all manner of potencies, good luck giving users any sense of how much is too much or how long they need to wait before they are competent to get behind the wheel," writes Ian Cooper.

Critics see fishy timing in Liberal plan to make top health officer 'independent'

19 octobre 2017

"It's somewhat of an empty victory for the health of New Brunswickers," said Ian Culbert, the executive director of the Canadian Public Health Association, which has objected to the reorganization. "You're giving an officer of the legislature some responsibility, but they have no authority and no resources. So it's really creating an empty office at the end of the day."

Top health bureaucrat calls overhaul of public health a 'straight resource issue'

13 octobre 2017

In August, the province announced it was "enhancing" the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health by transferring several functions to other departments. The association's executive director, Ian Culbert, told CBC News that "it just doesn't make sense to us to break up a public health team." "We have serious concerns about what could happen to normal services for public health activities in the province, but also what could happen if there was an emergency."

National public health group has 'serious concerns' about N.B. restructuring

13 octobre 2017

A national public health organization says changes the New Brunswick government made to the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health don't make sense. The Canadian Public Health Association published an open letter to Health Minister Benoît Bourque outlining its concerns. "We are concerned that the announced changes to the organization of the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health may result in a reduction in the level and efficiency of services provided to the citizens of New Brunswick," says the letter published on the association's website.

Public health restructuring in New Brunswick

13 octobre 2017

The executive director of the Canadian Public Health Association says restructuring the office of the chief medical officer of health in New Brunswick is a mistake.

Pot-infused cuisine will be the next big trend, food expert predicts

26 septembre 2017

Ian Culbert, executive director of the Canadian Public Health Association, said there must be strict regulation and a limited range of products available initially. Edibles must have clear identification of dosage and servings, and come with education about how it takes longer to take effect than smoking.

Decriminalize all drug possession? Not a bad idea: Editorial

15 septembre 2017

The United Nations, the World Health Organization, the International Red Cross, the Canadian Public Health Association, the medical health officers of British Columbia, Vancouver, Toronto, not to mention many front-line health workers – they all agree: treating drug users like criminals is a costly, dangerous mistake. And as Canada’s epidemic of opioid overdoses deepens, this chorus is growing louder and more urgent. It’s time Ottawa listened.

Feds consider Manitoba's codeine restrictions

15 septembre 2017

Health Canada is pondering whether to emulate Manitoba pharmacists’ move last year to restrict access to codeine products, though there is no proof the policy has helped or hindered the opioid crisis. "We have to be careful when we make these sweeping policy changes, to think through the unintended, negative consequences," said Ian Culbert, executive director of the Canadian Public Health Association. "These kinds of changes might seem intelligent from a bureaucrat’s desk in Ottawa, but when you’re hitting the ground… in downtown Winnipeg, the impact can be quite negative."

Ottawa pourrait forcer la culture de « superplants »

14 septembre 2017

Le gouvernement Trudeau a par ailleurs eu droit à l’appui d’un allié étonnant, au Comité parlementaire de la santé mercredi. L’Association canadienne de la santé publique et la Société canadienne de pédiatrie ont toutes deux martelé qu’il était urgent de légaliser la marijuana car les Canadiens, et surtout les jeunes, en consomment déjà à l’heure actuelle. Autant encadrer leur consommation dès maintenant pour pouvoir en étudier les causes et lancer des campagnes de sensibilisation, a fait valoir le directeur général de l’ACSP, Ian Culbert.