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Canadian Public Health Association

L'Association dans l'actualité


Details starting to come out about how P.E.I. plans to handle legalized marijuana

17 décembre 2017

I also suspect actual marijuana use will be much higher when tourists start flocking to the Island next summer. With some clever marketing, Canada’s Food Island could also become Canada’s Pot Island. Eating lobster on the beach and watching the sunset with some P.E.I. bud – sounds like a plan. But it’s a non-starter. The government says it isn’t planning to advertise legal pot, consistent with the wishes of the Canadian Public Health Association.

P.E.I. just says no to cannabis advertising

15 décembre 2017

"There's been a lot of concern about the advertising and the Canadian Public Health Association wants a complete ban on advertising for cannabis." Roach said the province will begin educating people on P.E.I. about what is to come when the federal cannabis legislation is brought forward in more detail.

Could decriminalization of all drugs actually lower overdoses and violent crime rates?

12 décembre 2017

As with any radical plan or change in policy, there will be people resistant to the change. Critics of Portugal’s plan say that decriminalization will increase the likelihood of use or make the government look soft on drugs and crime, but Ian Culbert of the Canadian Public Health Association says there is no evidence to support those claims. “In fact, the only risk is that we’re going to start treating people like human beings and not like criminals and giving them the proper supports to reintegrate them into society,” Culbert told Your Morning, “And who knows, we might even save tax dollars because it’s cheaper to support people and give them treatment to fight their addiction than it is to incarcerate them.”

Should Canada be decriminalizing more than just pot? Portugal did

12 décembre 2017

In 2001, Portugal decriminalized possession of personal amounts of all drugs. Since then, the country has seen a dramatic drop in overdose, HIV infection and violent crime rates, leaving some to wonder if the model could work in Canada. We spoke with the executive director of the Canadian Public Health Association, Ian Culbert, to find out.

AIDS organizations call on feds to step up funding for Sask. AIDS epidemic

1 décembre 2017

The number of Saskatchewan residents newly diagnosed with HIV has increased by 33 per cent over the past decade despite a 45-per-cent increase in prevention funding. In a news release, the Canadian Public Health Association says nationally, the number of new infections remains relatively unchanged despite years of investments. Also in the release, the association “calls upon all levels of governments, non-governmental organizations, service providers and citizens to reflect on and to refocus our collective efforts to reduce the number of new HIV infections every year, and tackle the barriers — including stigma — that hinder HIV prevention, testing and support.”

Local agency marks World AIDS Day

30 Novembre 2017

Boucher said as an educator he reminds people to be respectful of those living with HIV, especially when they come out. A long-standing concern is the fear associated with getting tested. The Canadian Public Health Association says 21 per cent of people living with HIV in Canada are unaware of their infection. The Canadian public health agency estimates that there were 2,570 new infections of HIV in 2014.

Treating the climate with coal phase-out

29 Novembre 2017

Canada, the UK and partners announced a global alliance to phase-out coal power at COP23 in Bonn, Germany. It was an honour to speak on behalf of the health community at the launch, as coal-power phase-out is a key recommendation of the 2017 Lancet Countdown Report and the Countdown’s associated UK brief, as well as the Canadian Brief which I co-authored on behalf of the Canadian Public Health Association.

As National Legalization Looms, Advertising Takes the Spotlight in Canada

29 Novembre 2017

Ian Cuthbert, an executive director with the Canadian Public Health Association, said that their preference is for a complete ban on marketing. He doesn’t think that such a ban would stand up to a challenge in the country’s Supreme Court, so he would settle for advertising in retail outlets restricted to adults only.

Marijuana advent calendar sales soar despite health warnings

26 Novembre 2017

It will not be tamper proof I’m quite certain meaning that it will be quite easy for children to get access to the cannabis-containing products inside. You don’t know what you’re getting in this package because there are absolutely no regulations. Stop trying to market inappropriate, unnecessary products to Canadians.

Did a pot overdose kill a baby? Controversial paper on infant's death raises questions

21 Novembre 2017

And a letter in the most recent issue of the Canadian Journal of Public Health warns the addition of edibles to the market “will inevitably exacerbate the already significant and economic burden of food-borne disease in the Canadian population.”