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Canadian Public Health Association


2024 Tobacco Control and Vaping Webinar Series 

Building upon the findings and recommendations of the 2023 National Conference on Tobacco and Vaping, this interactive webinar series aimed to bring together professionals working in the tobacco control and vaping sectors to provide practical areas for collaboration and action across Canada. 

The first webinar examined the demographics of, and challenges that the current Canadian population of tobacco users face and highlighted evidence- based and client-centered approaches that can be applied in healthcare and community settings. The second webinar explored policy and programmatic strategies to prevent and reduce youth e-cigarette use in Canada, drawing upon evidence from international strategies to reduce youth vaping and approaches from other areas (e.g. tobacco prevention).  

* Made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from Kenvue Canada Inc.*   

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Survey of Public Health, Public Safety, Health and Social Service Professionals on a Public Health Approach to Substance Use

As part of the Normalizing Conversations project launched in 2020, the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) conducted a survey of public health, public safety and health and social service providers to better understand key stakeholder beliefs and attitudes, knowledge levels, and access to information, resources and training about substance use. This nationwide survey, with its broad scope, aimed to generate new knowledge and perspectives on how professionals and practitioners across Canada understand a public health approach to substance use.

Promoting Population Health, Health Equity & Climate Action

M.O.V.E (Mind Over Violence Everywhere)

M.O.V.E. is a series of youth-directed workshops that uses art, improvisational theatre, sports, music and group work to deal with themes of violence prevention. Participants develop skills in critical thinking, communication, and peer mediation. Using a variety of engaging techniques, the program stresses rights and responsibilities, assertiveness training, and community relations. The energy, experiences and creative thinking of young people has provided the momentum for this dynamic program. Together, youth and community members are “” to prevent violence.

Public Consultation on Xenotransplantation

In 2000, CPHA agreed to consult with the Canadian public on the health, ethical, legal, economic and social issues related to xenotransplantation and to report to the Minister of Health on the results of those consultations.

Anti-bullying: Best practices

CPHA's Assessment Toolkit for Bullying, Harassment and Peer Relations at School provides a standard way to measure the nature and prevalence of school peer relationship problems, standards for quality programs, and a common set of tools to assess the impact of school-based programs. From a public health perspective, it provides an overview of what works and what doesn’t, foundations for best practice standards, and outlines the core school components. CPHA’s toolkit includes tips for students, parents, teachers and administrators in the form of a handout and checklist that can be posted on the fridge at home, in the student’s desk and on the chalkboard at school.

Examples of Health Literacy in Practice

Examples of Health Literacy in Practice provides a snapshot of the substantial and varied range of work taking place to address health literacy in Canada. This resource provides information on some of the approaches that can inform health literacy activities, programs and policies.

Expert Panel on Health Literacy

The Health and Learning Knowledge Centre of the Canadian Council on Learning funded CPHA to establish an Expert Panel on Health Literacy to investigate the current state of health literacy in Canada and generate a report including recommendations on future research, policy and programming initiatives.

Public Health~Community Health Nursing in Canada: Preparation & Practice

A cornerstone document of public health nursing, the fourth edition of the Public Health~Community Health Nursing in Canada: Preparation & Practice describes the roles and activities of public health and community health nurses who work in various programs and settings.

Creating a Certified Public Health Professional Designation for Canada’s Public Health Workforce

Creating a Certified Public Health Professional Designation engaged Canada’s public health community in assessing the utility of a Certified Public Health Professional (CPHP) designation in Canada and informing the development of tools and a certification framework. With funding from the Public Health Agency of Canada, CPHA consulted with the public health community to develop a framework and conduct a pilot test of a certification program for public health in Canada and provide recommendations for national implementation.

Knowledge Translation Resources for Reducing STBBI-related Stigma

Since 2014, CPHA has developed a number of knowledge translation tools to support health and social service providers to provide STBBI-related services. These resources underscore the individual and organizational factors required to enhance services and reduce STBBI-related stigma, and ultimately improve health outcomes for those affected by or living with STBBIs.

Frontline Health: Beyond Health Care

CPHA has a long and recognized history of work on the social determinants of health. We are proud of this legacy and created a discussion around the social determinants of health both within the public health community as well as with the public, as a means of moving the social determinants of health agenda forward with political leaders and decision-makers in other sectors.

Eliminating Tobacco in Canada: Public Health Priorities, Capacity, and Comprehensive Action

This report documents evidence-informed and practice-based strategies and interventions in tobacco use prevention and cessation activities.

Last modified: June 16, 2017

Respecting the Air We Breathe

Young adults are a priority population for tobacco control in Canada. Respecting the Air We Breathe examined young adults as a target audience for second-hand tobacco smoke messages.

Stop Smoking: A Smoking Cessation Resource for Those Who Work with Women

“Stop Smoking: A Smoking Cessation Resource for Those Who Work With Women” is presented in three sections. Section One sets the context about women and smoking, including information on the Stages of Change Model and the quitting process. Section Two is a facilitator’s guide for a group program that is presented in 11 sessions on topics such as self-esteem, healthy weights, triggers and support. Section Three offers one-on-one counseling techniques for health professionals, from brief to more extensive interventions.

Infectious Disease and Climate Change

CPHA has compiled the most recent research, reports, tools and other evidence-based information regarding infectious disease and climate change in Canada. Here you can find information on climate sensitive infectious diseases, as well as the effects of climate change on pathogens and disease vectors.

Healthy, Green and Just Recovery

CPHA, together with the Canadian Health Association for Sustainability and Equity and the Ontario Public Health Association have collaborated to produce a series of blogs, factsheets and backgrounders to disseminate important and timely research on the need to improve public health, decrease health inequities and provide beneficial side effects in the fight to address climate change.


Developing and Communicating Local Data

CPHA has compiled the most recent publicly available tools and resources from jurisdictions across Canada. We believe this will aid health and social service providers in service delivery and program development.

What Does the Evidence Say About Cannabis?

CPHA has gathered current seminal research, governmental reports, and other evidence-based information concerning a public health approach to cannabis. Here you can find reports and information concerning the health effects of cannabis, as well as the effects of cannabis legalization in non-Canadian contexts.

Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Across Canada

CPHA has compiled provincial/territorial and federal documents to increase understanding of cannabis legalization across varying contexts and jurisdictions within Canada. 

Cannabis Resources for Providers

These resources are intended to assist providers in addressing cannabis use through a public health approach. Here you can find resources developed by CPHA, including our community consultation reports, recently updated Pot and Driving toolkit, and webinar series. Here we also share resources and tools developed by other organizations that may increase provider and organizational capacity and encourage public health perspectives in practice. 

Unstructured Play

Unstructured play is a child’s right and is integral to healthy development. It is play where children follow their own ideas without a defined purpose or outcome. This toolkit provides evidence-based tools and resources to inform decision-making and reduce concerns in order to increase access to unstructured play in school and municipal settings. The toolkit also responds to common parent/guardian perceptions.

Workshops on Reducing STBBI-related Stigma

Throughout 2014-2017, in collaboration with the Centre for Sexuality, CPHA developed the content for three workshops focused on reducing STBBI-related stigma. These workshop resources, including a facilitation manual, a participant workbook and the presentation slides, will help you facilitate a training workshop in your community. The content from the three workshops can also be combined to create a more comprehensive training opportunity.

Developing Core Competencies for STBBI Prevention

Throughout 2011-2014, CPHA worked with communities across Canada, including a National Reference Group, to identify the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours that enhance STBBI prevention activities. Based on these consultations, a set of 26 core competencies were identified. In addition to the Core Competencies, a Health Equity Impact Assessment Tool specific to STBBIs was created, as well as a list of the Factors that Impact Vulnerability to STBBIs among the general population and also select priority populations.

Webinar Series on Reducing STBBI-related Stigma

CPHA has hosted a number of webinars to increase understanding of the stigma associated with sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) as well as sexuality and/or substance use more broadly. Each webinar – presented by members of the public health community from across Canada – highlighted promising practices in stigma reduction.

Strengthening Chronic Disease Prevention and Management through Dialogue, Planning and Assessment

In 2007/2008, CPHA worked with four health regions across the country to pilot a new chronic disease planning tool to help bring a comprehensive approach into regional dialogue and planning. The tool presents eight critical success factors for strengthening chronic disease prevention and management, with guiding questions for each.